Mentorship programme

Code of conduct

Last updated on 25 June 2024

To board the mentor ship, we require that all participants conduct themselves with high standards of ethics, integrity, and behaviour when dealing with mentors, fellow mentees, and other stakeholders. This includes, but isn’t limited to, following all legal obligations.

This code sets the behaviour standards we expect from all participants. If these standards aren’t met, appropriate action will be taken. Serious misconduct could lead to expulsion from the programme with no refund, and if any laws are broken, the relevant authorities may be notified.

The following guidelines outline the standards at which participants should interact with one another during the mentorship programme. Please note that this list is not exhaustive; participants are encouraged to use their judgement in situations not explicitly covered in this document and reach out to their mentors for guidance if they are unsure on how to proceed.

+ Be respectful

Respecting each other ensures a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone feels valued. Being respectful also means behaving professionally at all times.

  • Treat everyone with kindness: Be kind, courteous, and considerate in all interactions.
  • Value differences: Embrace diversity in backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.
  • Be sensitive: Do not share content that is unlawful or otherwise objectionable. This includes, but is not limited to, content that is abusive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, ageist, sexist, or racist.
  • Use appropriate language: Use polite and professional language at all times.
  • Dress appropriately: Our dress code is casual. Hoodies, beanies, scarves, etc., are acceptable but casual wear should be neat and modest, free of anything overly revealing or inappropriate for a professional setting.
  • Communicate delays: If you’re going to be late for a meeting or your internet is faulty, message your mentor on Slack well before the session.

+ Communicate clearly

Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and promotes effective teamwork.

  • Say what you mean: Be clear, concise, and constructive in your messages.
  • Stay on topic: Keep discussions relevant to the mentorship programme, both on Slack and in the Google Meet sessions.
  • Ask and answer thoughtfully: Be patient and supportive in your responses. Ensure that your messages and comments are appropriate before hitting ‘send’ or responding in meetings.

+ Respect privacy

Programmes like these can only create value if everyone feels super comfortable sharing their experiences. This can only happen if we create an environment where everyone’s information is protected and respected.

  • No sharing without permission: Don’t share personal or sensitive company information or resources without the relevant party’s consent. Don’t share or discuss content discussed in Google Meet sessions or on Slack with anyone outside of our mentorship group.
  • No screenshots or recordings: Respect the privacy of the Google Meet sessions and Slack conversations. Notes will be provided after each live session.

+ Foster a positive learning environment

A positive learning environment encourages growth, creativity, and collaboration. Each participant is responsible for contributing to this atmosphere, making this journey worthwhile for themselves and others.

  • Encourage each other: Share positive feedback and celebrate successes.
  • Constructive criticism: Offer and receive feedback graciously and constructively.
  • Collaborate and share: Work together and share resources generously.
  • Join on time: Be punctual for Google Meet sessions.
  • Be engaged: Participate actively and attentively in all discussions and activities. Failure to attend all Google Meet sessions will result in the participant not being eligible for a 1:1 mentor session, except where Who’s your ADDIE uses their discretion to allow for exceptional circumstances.

+ Follow platform etiquette

Just as there is an etiquette required for working in person, there is one for working online. Following platform etiquette ensures smooth and efficient communication and interactions.

Google Meet:
  • Keep your video on during sessions.
  • Mute when not speaking, unless directed otherwise.
  • Ensure an appropriate background and that participants can see you clearly.
  • Position yourself in a quiet environment so others can hear you clearly when you talk.
  • Keep comments in the comments section related to the topics in discussion.
  • Use emoji reactions to encourage your peers.
  • Use direct messages for sensitive conversations only. Ensure that any discussions relevant to the group are communicated on a channel.
  • Do not expect replies from mentors outside of working hours (08:00 - 17:00 SAST).
  • Note that mentors are not available for Huddles.
  • Do not use this platform for unauthorised mass communication such as ‘spam’ or ‘junk mail’.

+ Avoid and report inappropriate behaviour

Inappropriate behaviour creates a hostile and unsafe environment that disrupts learning and collaboration, ultimately compromising the mentorship experience for other participants. Who’s your ADDIE does not permit the following behaviours:

  • Harassment: Any form of unwelcome behaviour that creates a hostile environment.
  • Abuse or assault: Physical, emotional, or psychological harm or threat.
  • Bullying: Intimidation, coercion, or aggressive behaviour.
  • Intoxication: Use of alcohol or drugs just before or during programme activities.
  • Illegal activity: Engagement in any illegal acts.
  • Discrimination: Unfair treatment based on race, gender, age, religion, or other protected characteristics.

It is our legal obligation to abide by the laws of The Constitution of South Africa and prohibit these behaviours. So if you experience or witness any of this type of inappropriate behaviour, email promptly.

+ Enjoy the journey

There’s no use boarding the mentor ship if you are only focused on the destination; enjoying the learning experience is just as important!

  • Have fun: Enjoy the process and make the most of your mentorship experience.
  • Stay curious: Keep an open mind and a thirst for knowledge.
  • Support each other: Let’s make this journey rewarding for everyone.
  • Connect: Take advantage of the opportunity to network with mentors and fellow mentees. Building relationships can lead to valuable connections and future opportunities.


Who’s your ADDIE will handle violations of this Code of Conduct on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the severity of the violation, you might get a verbal or written warning, or in more serious cases, you could be expelled from the programme without being eligible for a refund. Regardless of the severity of the violation, we aim to treat all parties fairly in the actions we take. Remember that if you experience or witness any type of inappropriate behaviour to email promptly.

Who’s your ADDIE reserves the right to update this Code of Conduct from time to time.

By agreeing to these terms, you agree to follow these policies and rules, helping us create a positive and respectful environment for everyone.